Rwanda Church Plant
The Immediate Need
Malinda and I received an invitation to go to Rwanda and work with Parfait. After a few days, the Holy Spirit placed in our hearts to join with Parfait to plant a Church. After many long conversations and prayer this has become a reality. The church plant will be in the District of Nyamagabe in the town of Rambya, about 4 hours southwest of Kigali. There are about 23,000 people in the area. 14,000 of those are children and youth that are needing education, support and most importantly Jesus. Parfait will spearhead the purchasing of the land with his Rwandan attorney. He has also vetted and selected a qualified pastor that has a heart for this area that shares in our heart for the people of Rambya. We will own the land and the incomplete structure that will seat 300+ people. Owning the land will give us the ability to make sure there is a high level of accountability to ensure that the vision, mission, and goals are met. The first plot of land is about 130,000sqf costing $11,000 with the incomplete building. Completing this Church building for occupancy, will cost an additional $9,000 totaling $20,000 with attorney’s fees. There are two other lots that are available next door and will need renovations that would cost $6,000. The purchase of these is for growth with the desire to open a school. The remaining $4,000 will be used for our ministry to local contacts and blessing Parfait and his ministry for all the time and effort to help make this God given call a reality.
Please pray about how you can help us reach our goal of raising $30,000 to make a difference in Rwanda for Jesus! You can give by downloading the church center app or through the link above. Thank you for your help and having a Heart for Rwanda!
To partner with and develop legitimate nationwide ministries with an emphasis on church planting.
To acquire land and build facilities. To raise up, train, and place leadership for successful church communities.
Our immediate goal is to raise $30,000 to acquire our first property. This will also enable us to complete the Church facility, buy two neighboring properties one with a parsonage that will also need to have construction completed.
Our short-term goal will be to have our acquired property in Rambya expand from just a church to having a private school as a mission to bless the community.
Our long-term goal is to implement a ministry, “Heart for 1,000 Hills”, that will be the umbrella for all future church plants in Rwanda to operate with. We are driven to plant 1000 healthy churches with Godly trained pastors in Rwanda.
Where it Started
I was 18 when I went on my first trip to Africa. It was amazing and I fell in love with it from the start. The sights, the smells, the tempo, the culture, and most importantly the people. It was not until I was able to go to Rwanda at the age of 25 that God opened my eyes and placed a love in my heart for the people of “The country of 1000 hills”. Over the last few years, I have made several trips with one long term stay that has resulted in a greater desire to see all people of Rwanda find Jesus! I have been able to provide desks for a school, work with refugee camps, provide a tent for a church to meet in for 300+ people, blessed countless waiters with a result of them finding salvation in Jesus, paid off debts, sent children to school, provided food for widows and orphans all of it done for the sake of the gospel. All those things are amazing, but I want to do more. The population of children is growing and the need for education, housing, and biblical guidance is increasing every day! Over the years I have been asked “Why Rwanda?” or “Why not do things here at home when there are so many in need?”. The simple answer is obedience! This is not a nice sentiment or something to help me or our church feel like we are doing something. It is the call that God has placed on our heart! We are so thankful for your time, donations, prayer, and support! Without your help and obedience to the Lord we would not be able to fulfill the calling God has placed upon us! Thank you for joining us and having a Heart for Rwanda.